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X-Spy Better Balls

Metal/X-Ray Detectable, Magnetic Susceptible

Product recalls pose a major risk for your business. Disrupted operations, inventory loss, the long-term impacts of reputational damage and decreased consumer confidence can devastate even the most popular brands.

Since you process more than one product and use more than one brand of screener, Siftex offers a varied and unique line of screen cleaning balls. Better Balls are available in our new XSpy X-ray/metal detectable and magnetic susceptible rubber and polyurethane. Siftex also provides industry-leading abrasion-resistant and high rebound specialty compounds at very competitive prices. Let’s talk about your volume, packaging, and stock requirements to learn how getting better connected with Siftex can save you money and reduce ball change-over downtime.

Patent Pending

Product Details

X-Spy is a proprietary group of polyurethane and rubber compounds used for flexible connecting sleeves, seamless rubber tubing, screen cleaning balls, film/sheet goods, conveyor belting, and more. X-Spy compounds offer industry-leading 3-way detection of plastic and rubber contaminants before they reach your customer and force a recall.

X-Spy particles can’t hide from your x-ray detection equipment. Likewise, small X-Spy pieces are easily detected by metal detection equipment and magnetic traps. No other polyurethane or rubber compounds offer the level of detection and reduction of contaminant risk your HACCP program can achieve with X-Spy.


Documents & Resources

Siftex Offers You More:

X-Spy particles can’t hide from your x-ray detection equipment. Likewise, small X-Spy pieces are easily detected by metal detection equipment and magnetic traps. No other polyurethane or rubber compounds offer the level of detection and reduction of contaminant risk your HACCP program can achieve with X-Spy.

Important Documents

Customizable Options

Better Ball Diameters:

  • 5/8”
  • 1-3/8”
  • 1-5/8”
  • 2”